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Protocolo "Safe and Sound"

¿Qué es el Protocolo "Safe and Sound"?

Desarrollado por el Dr. Stephen Porges, fundador de la Teoría Polivagal , el Protocolo Seguro y Sano "Safe and Sound" es un estimulador acústico no invasivo del nervio vago que ayuda a sus clientes a conectarse consigo mismos, con los demás y con el mundo desde una base


How Does It Work?

SSP uses special music to train your brain to focus on safe and soothing sounds. This process helps your body respond more calmly to stress and improves your ability to connect with people around you. Over time, this therapy can help you feel more balanced and in tune with yourself and others.


SSP is perfect for people—kids or adults—who feel emotionally overwhelmed or disconnected. It helps with issues like anxiety, sleep troubles, sensory challenges, trauma, or even Autism-related sensitivities. By using music to relax the nervous system, SSP can help you feel calmer, more engaged with others, and better in tune with your own needs.


Additional perks? Better sleep, smoother digestion, and even a more natural, soothing speaking voice.

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